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I ♥ to ramble on about many aspects of my day-to-day life...why? Because I ♥ my life! And I want to share it with the world! Be happy with me!

Friday, March 27, 2009

Are we there yet????

Are we there yet? Everyone remembers uttering these words as children.
Lately though, it’s been a phrase I’ve had stuck in my thoughts. This
winter seems like the “five hour car drive” as a kid that would never
end! I keep looking out my windows, checking to see if it’s here, a
subtle sign of recognition. I’m that impatient child all over again,
“Are we there yet? Are we there yet?”

I know it's officially Spring, but it doesn't quite feel like it yet.

The trees are still bare; the grass is still a dull green/brown color and it’s still
getting dark before 7. Yet… look! There! Robins!! The crocuses are coming out and I see signs of growth on the trees. Isn’t that a sign? A sign that spring is here? Or at least almost here.

I hope so.

I’ve been feeling trapped since, oh, November! I can’t believe I made it through the many months of short days and frigid temperatures. Thankfully, we didn’t get much
snow this winter, but still, the melancholy of the season hit me hard! I’m tired of having to get bundled up just to run outside to get the mail. I’m done with having to pre-heat my car before I leave the house!

I want to open my windows, here the chirping of the birds in the back yard as they feed on the bird-feeders. I want to smell the scent of freshly cut grass! I want to have to put on my air conditioner because it’s too hot! I want! I want! I want!

Mother nature has been teasing us! It says it's Spring, We've had glimpses of Spring-like days....but as soon as it's above 50 degrees, WHAM! It's down to 30 again!

Sigh, yes, I’m feeling blue. I’m getting car sick! If we don’t end this long
cold journey soon, I may have to have you pull over and let me out!

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